Trainee Josh Frost gives us a roundup of the Archaeology Traineeship dig at Allen Gardens and looks forward to the future of what they’re up to next.

Our dig at Allen Gardens has now come to an end. Over the last four weeks we continued to hone and develop our archaeological skills. This has included getting used to working methodically with trowels and mattocks to reveal different archaeological contexts, representing distinct layers of time.

Inevitably, our discoveries sparked a lot of discussion about what we were actually dealing with. It has become clear to all of us that in archaeology you need to be prepared to change your mind!

Another key skill that we had the chance to develop was that of section drawing, which involved making a precise drawing of one our sections. This was a real challenge, leading to many discussions about where one context ended and another began. Needless to say our supervisors, Dave and Leo, had to be very patient with us.

From the experts Artefacts Post-medieval Community project Built heritage Excavation Placemaking News